Monday, February 15, 2010

Two Kinds of Dental Implant

There are two kinds of dental implants, the Endosteal and Subperiosteal implant.

In the Endosteal implant, the artificial tooth is implanted to the bone. This procedure includes different types of devices: the screw, cylinder, and blades. These devices are surgically placed into the bone, so that you won’t need to remove it when cleaning. This is a good option for people that are tired of cleaning their removable dentures.

In the Subperiosteal implant, the artificial tooth is implanted on the bone. This is placed on top of the jaw with a metal support jutting through the gums to grip the prosthesis. Subperiosteal are being used by people that are incapable of wearing a traditional denture because of minimal bone height. Ask your dentist in Newport Beach which type of implant is best for you.

Dental implants are better than an ordinary denture when it comes to your missing tooth or teeth. When it comes to esthetic, dental implants are like your own teeth and it even feels like your old teeth. Also, it is good for the remaining healthy teeth as there is no need to sacrifice their health. Dental implants do offer a major long-term advantage to oral health.