Thursday, March 11, 2010

Best way to Maintain your Tiles

Tiles enhance the interiors of your house and there is no doubt about it. But to keep them that way one must pay attention to its regular maintenance in the form of routine cleaning. It is essential to sweep a tile floor on a daily basis. Dirt can easily adhere to the surface of the tiles especially if they are textured. This ensures that the dirt doesn't get settled there and due to regular contact with the sweep fibers they do not cling on to the tiles for long. Use of a vacuum cleaner is also fruitful albeit you use appropriate attachments to the machine that would avoid scratching. It is advisable to use doormats and mats at other places of entry where one can brush off the dirt from the shoes before they step on to the floor.

Ceramic tiled floors should be mopped with a damp cloth regularly using the sponge or typical tile cleaners available in the market. Textured tiles may require slight scrubbing or the use of electric scrubbers or polisher. Use a mild detergent for scrubbing and after you are done rinse it thoroughly with water. This could be followed by wiping it with a dry cloth to make sure there is no soap film on the surface that might make it slippery and incompletely cleaned. Make sure the cleaning or scrubbing products you use are compatible with the type of tiles that comprise your flooring. Use of abrasives is to be avoided and they may include steel wool, scouring powders and other abrasive materials. Similarly, utilizing other tile damaging products like bleach or ammonia based cleaners are to be avoided.

Tile staining should be avoided by immediate cleaning post the spilling of liquids on the tiles. It helps the removal of stains easier as opposed to when removed after a certain period of time. Ceramic tiles are breakable and might get chipped off if one uses stilettos or spike shoes on the floor. So you must avoid any sharp pointy objects coming in direct contact with the floor. Make sure your table, fridge all the other furniture in and around the house that touches the tiled floor is separated from the tiles with a softer rubber like base to avoid scratches. Thus with these small steps you can ensure that your tiles look as good as new for longer durations.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Two Kinds of Dental Implant

There are two kinds of dental implants, the Endosteal and Subperiosteal implant.

In the Endosteal implant, the artificial tooth is implanted to the bone. This procedure includes different types of devices: the screw, cylinder, and blades. These devices are surgically placed into the bone, so that you won’t need to remove it when cleaning. This is a good option for people that are tired of cleaning their removable dentures.

In the Subperiosteal implant, the artificial tooth is implanted on the bone. This is placed on top of the jaw with a metal support jutting through the gums to grip the prosthesis. Subperiosteal are being used by people that are incapable of wearing a traditional denture because of minimal bone height. Ask your dentist in Newport Beach which type of implant is best for you.

Dental implants are better than an ordinary denture when it comes to your missing tooth or teeth. When it comes to esthetic, dental implants are like your own teeth and it even feels like your old teeth. Also, it is good for the remaining healthy teeth as there is no need to sacrifice their health. Dental implants do offer a major long-term advantage to oral health.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good Oral Hygiene to Prevent Memory Loss

Remember that the mind is a limited machine. With the exhausting life in the city, the mind can easily get tired and lose memory. Aside from taking care of the brain, practicing good oral care will help dramatically prevent memory loss. Likewise, other teeth problems that would require tooth extraction or an implant crown will be avoided. So, how do you take care of your teeth? Here’s what you can do:

  • Keep your gums healthy by brushing and flossing regularly. Don’t just give in to exhaustion. Make sure that before you drop in your bed at night you have brushed your teeth already. Rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash can also help keep bacteria growth at bay
  • Limit sweet food intake. Keep in mind that even a little amount of sucrose can already hype up bacteria in the teeth. So, make sure to avoid sugary foods and as much as possible don’t snack on sweets, because it is often during snacks that people fail to brush their teeth.
  • Increase Vitamin C consumption. Vitamin C rich foods such as lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits help keep the gum healthy. With adequate amount of Vitamin C in the body, gum inflammation will be prevented
  • Don’t smoke and drink too much alcohol and coffee as they stain the teeth and erode tooth enamel.
  • If you have diabetes, follow treatment dutifully as uncontrolled diabetes could cause gum infections.

Follow these tips and you can dramatically improve not only your oral health but your mental health as well. Take note that even the simple task to brushing and going to your dentist regularly can powerfully change how you think and remember.